create a blog website to make money

logging is one surefire way to work from home and get money from the internet easily. You can make a decent profit.

Just like the method above, you must have followers and also traffic. In addition, you must create content on a regular basis.

Blogging requires a small amount of money, around Rp. 500 thousand to buy a domain and server. So, I categorize it without capital because I BELIEVE, readers can get the money without trouble.

The content must be informative and useful, so people will come when you write new content.

Blogging is also one way to get passive income because you don't need to work every day.

How do they get money from Blogging?

Endorsement, advertising, selling goods themselves, selling content, affiliates etc.

I can write 2000 words how to get money this way. The easiest way is to advertise or sell your own items. However, you must understand what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is.

Many famous blogs in Indonesia such as, IDNtimes, jalantikus, etc.

This method is harder than Instagram or Youtube because you need special skills. It is not difficult to learn if you are persistent and there is a will.

Selling a place like a banner or sponsored post is very easy, fast and expensive. earns around 120 billion annually selling banners. Tempting isn't it?

In addition, you can also use affiliate links. This is where you get a commission when people buy through your link.

Online stores such as Lazada, Bli-Bli, Bukalapak provide these choices. Usually, blogs about gadgets are easier to get money from affiliate links.

If your blog is in Indonesian, our suggestion is that you must try the DomaiNesia affiliate, where you can put a banner with an affiliate link on your blog. When people buy through this link you can get a commission.

To see how much you profit, 

can check here. For websites that speak English, use, Click Funnel and Rakuten affiliate links. Not a few who become millionaires for using this method.

good luck

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