Masters and PhD Fulbright Scholarships in USA

The annual Fulbright Scholarships are offered by the United States Government to Indonesian citizens. Fulbright scholarships are offered in several types.

Among them are the Fulbright Master's Degree Program and the Fulbright PhD Degree Program.

You can use this scholarship to continue your Masters or PhD studies at universities in America with a full scholarship.


J-1 visa support

Indonesia - USA economy class ticket

Funding for tuition fees, living expenses, and other expenses

Health and accident insurance

The United States Scholarships in the Fulbright Program can be used to pursue studies or research in a variety of fields except Medicine related to patient care.

Submission of proposals is also opened in the fields of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), and Health.

Applications in the STEM field are prioritized in the field of environmental conservation, exploration of alternative energy, or climate change mitigation.

Fulbright scholarships will last one to two years for Masters applicants, and three years for PhD applicants.

Candidate selection is preferred for those who have never studied in the United States before.

For PhD programs, scholarships are preferred for applicants who plan to teach at universities in Indonesia.


Has completed undergraduate studies (S1).

Have a minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).

Have a minimum TOEFL ITP score of 550 or an equivalent IELTS score.

Willing to work at the institution of origin at least five years before retirement after completing the scholarship program.


Has completed Masters studies (S2).

Have a minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00).

Have a minimum TOEFL ITP score of 575 or an equivalent IELTS score.

Willing to return to Indonesia and take up academic positions in higher education after completing the study period.

Detail information read here: Masters and PhD Fulbright Scholarships in USA

Wakil Bupati Jengkel: Goyang Erotis di Garut di tengah Wabah Corona COVID-19

Garut Culture Festival dilaksanakan di Garut Jawa Barat walaupun sedang dilanda COVID-19, namun yang lebih memprihatinkan lagi dengan adanya kegiatan yang menampilkan tarian erotis dan di kerumuni oleh ratusan lelaki.

viral di media sosial setelah berita tersebar tentang adanya kegiatan yang diisi oleh tarian erotis ini yang merupakan rangkaian acara perayaan hari jadi Garut ke 207.

namun banyak tokoh menyesalkan atas kegiatan yang mengikut sertakan tarian erotis ini di dalamnya. bahkan MUI menyebut tarian itu haram dimana wanita menari-nari menggunakan celana pendek dan menampakan aurat.

dirangkum dari Video yang tersebar, terdapat beberapa acara yang tidak sesuai dengan tema:
" sejumlah kangan menyesalkan adanya tarian erotis daat acara memperingati hari jadi kabupaten Garut tersebut" pada minggu (15/3/2020)

para wanita itu likak likuk mengayunkan tubuhnya mengikuti irama lagu disc jockey (DJ), para penonton lelaki menyaksikan pemandangan yang tidak etis ini dari bawah panggung, sedangkan 7 para penari likak likuk tubuhnya dengan goyangan di atas panggung musik tersebut

kegiatan yang tidak mencederai moral ini disesalkan oleh banyak pihak, salah seorang mengaku melihat sendiri " waktu itu saya lihat sendiri ada beberapa wanita menari. pakai celana pendek juga, tarian itu dijadikan hiburan buat para peserta trail yang di adakan pada Garut Culture Festival (GCF) ini, sebut Muhammad Nur (28) kamis 19/3/2020.

dia mengaku sejumlah lelaki terhibur dengan aksi lincah para penari wanita ini, bahkan ada sejumlah pria menyawer ke atas panggungkepada wanita yang sedang menari ini.,

biarpun banyak yang terhibur, saya rasa tidak sesuai dengan temanya" ucap Nur. " bukan buda yang diangkat, misal acara tarian traditional" tambahnya lagi.

dari pihak pemerintah Garut juga menyesalkan atas kejadian ini, wakil bupati Garut Helmi Budiman, menyesalkan adanya aksi tarian erotis ini dalam acara beberapa waktu lalu, apalagi acara itu diadakan sebagai rangkaian hari jadi Garut ke 207.

" wakil bupati itu membenarkan juga adanya aksi tarian erotis itu "iya memang terjadi saat acara itu, saya juga baru mengetahuinya dan sangat disesalkan" ungkapnya dengan penuhkecewa.

di pihak lainnya, panitia acara menyampaikan alasan bahwa acara Garut Culture Festival Tidak ada satu konten khusus dalam penampilannya, melainkan seluruh potensi ditampilkan.

" kulture di sini bukan hanya seni budaya melainkan kebiasaan gotong royong dan semangat untuk memajukan daerah kita, dan acara ini di respon oleh banyak pihak, peserta juga banyak, imbuhnya sebagai mana di kutip pada tribbun

MUI haramkan tarian Erotis pada GCF,

beredar dari media sosial video goyang erotis itu mendapat respon keras dari MUI Garut. pelaksana kegiatan harus bertanggung jawab karena menyediakan kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan budaya garus" tegas KH sirodjul Munir.

kegiatan tarian erotis ini sungguh tidak layak di tampilkan pada acara hari jadi kabupaten Garut tersebut, belum lagi kegiatan tarian yang tidak pantas ini menjadi tontonan anak-anak dibawah umur.

" ini jelas haram, (tarian erotis). sudah bergeser aqidah dan moralitas warga" ucap munir di kantor MUI Garut jalan otista Jum'at 20/3/2020. pihak MUI tak menyangka jika rangkaian acara hari jadi Garut ini diwarnai oleh goyangan para wanita dengan tarian erotis tersebut.

sedangkan dari pihak lembaga mahasiswa kesatuan aksi mahasiswa muslim indonesia (KAMMI) juga ikut mengecam kegaiatan acara tersebut. Rian Abdul Azis mengecam keras adanya tarian erotis tersebut. " sangat jauh dari norma agama dan budaya orang garut. apalagi aksi itu dilakukan di ruang terbuka dan banyak yang tonton.

padahal jika semua sadar pada musibah yang sedang melanda negeri, mungkin tidak perlu adanya acara sedemian rupa yang kembali memancing datangnya bala dan musibah melanda negeri. apalagi virus sedang mewabah di indonesia. 

The Popular Applications that Prove to Pay Money

money-making application that you can try. If you get it, it's quite good to be able to add pocket money or just buy an internet package.

1. WHAFF Rewards

This application is quite easy to use. After the WHAFF Rewards application is successfully installed on your smartphone, you can play the application within a certain period of time.

Well, you can get points from using the WHAFF Rewards application. Then, you can exchange these points for gifts.


This money-making application is quite promising for you to try. How to use it is to fill out surveys, watch videos, and play games in the application.

How, interested? Playing games instead get paid. Great.

Now, when the money is collected and ready to make a withdrawal. You can use Paypal to withdraw it.

Salary is usually paid 2-3 days after completing the application request.


Want to read interesting news but don't know an exciting platform. Try using the READ PLUS application.

Besides getting useful information, you can also get money from this application. You can also invite friends to add points.

Well, the points that have been collected can be exchanged for cellphone pulses. Interesting right?

4. Cash for Apps

Cash for Apps is one of the most popular money-making applications on the internet. Why? Because this application has been downloaded more than 10 million users.

How to use is fairly easy.

Users just install a variety of applications in Cash for Apps, then the application maker will pay for each of the applications that have been installed.

5. CashPop

For those of you who are still curious, CashPop is a proven money-producing application that pays.

It's easy, you just play a few games, invite friends, browse, to chat between users.

Salesman Postcard

This is a booming business in the USA and Europe. With busy schedules and avenues, many people have started listening to useful podcasts, rather than listening to songs.

Examples of well-known podcasts are Serial, This is America, Radiolab, The Daily, S-Town. There are still not many Indonesians doing podcasts, you can become a pioneer of podcasts in Indonesia.

I predict that podcasts will boom in Indonesia in the next two to three years, where the internet will become cheaper and reach all of Indonesia

Listening to podcasts is like reading a book, the difference is that podcasts use ears and books use eyes. The conclusion is very good to do.

Following the theory of supply and demand, many influencers switch from Youtube to Podcast. Luckily, Podcasts can also be uploaded to Youtube for Adsense.

An example of a well-known type of podcast is TED where they ask famous people to give speeches.

First, you can use Youtube, Spotify and Itunes services to build listeners and names. You can also create a website to promote your podcast services.

Second, choose your niche, business, entertainment, tutorials, sports, mass, etc. Whatever, what's important is that it can win the hearts of your listeners.

Third, choose showtimes and schedules.

Like Aaron Mahnke, creator of the Lore podcast, said:

I always tell podcasters to use multiple streams. Don't just sell advertisements on your event. Don't just sell t-shirts. Don't just crowdfund. Do all of it. Combine and find the right mix, and all will add something stronger and more reliable.

How do you make money from podcasts?
Paid advertisement or paid advertisements / sponsors. Many people will ask you to talk about a product.
Sell ​​your goods
To start a podcast, you must have a laptop and microphone.

Make money as a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) maker service

SEO is indispensable for everything on the Internet. This includes like blogging, vlogging, Youtube and Instagram. All require SEO to rise in rank on the Google Search Engine.

Is SEO difficult?

I myself have not mastered full SEO because Google always changes their algorithm.

In the 2000s, just by buying backlinks, your blog could rank first on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

However, a few years ago, SEO like this was called blackhat SEO or also illegal SEO.

If it is known to Google (GOOGLE KNOWS ALL), they will eliminate the ranking on SERP and you will not get visitors.

Many novice bloggers don't know what SEO is and only write content, but don't get visitors and they are frustrated.

Many people have become rich because of SEO like Neil Patel, Backlinko. SEO opportunities today are very bright, even in Indonesia, there is still no one who can SEO.

Study SEO diligently and become one of the greatest. Surely many bloggers are asking for your time and ability.

Here, in the age of the internet, you can help them, certainly with pay. If you are good at something, make sure you don't do it for free.

Make money as Article author Freelancers / services

Sites like Upwork make it easy for you to find work in cyberspace. In addition, you can use LinkedIn social media to promote your expertise.

Typically, the job that is sought as a freelancer is writing. Many websites don't have the time to write content. So they hired to write. All content that you write will be owned by the person who paid you.

On the Upwork website, you can get $ 5 - $ 100 per article. The advantage is that you do not have a long contract to bind you, do not need to be scolded boss, can work anywhere and anytime.

GetCraft is a site where freelan writers gather in Indonesia.

You can also set the price you want. It is recommended not to put a price that is too cheap because you can be considered a beginner. However, do not also install too expensive. Attach your experience and post prices as naturally as possible.

According to experts, the key to freelancer writers is knowing what is written (niche), making friends with people who might pay you and providing 100 percent original and informative content.

There are several websites that make freelancers earn money online, one of which is

good luck

create a blog website to make money

logging is one surefire way to work from home and get money from the internet easily. You can make a decent profit.

Just like the method above, you must have followers and also traffic. In addition, you must create content on a regular basis.

Blogging requires a small amount of money, around Rp. 500 thousand to buy a domain and server. So, I categorize it without capital because I BELIEVE, readers can get the money without trouble.

The content must be informative and useful, so people will come when you write new content.

Blogging is also one way to get passive income because you don't need to work every day.

How do they get money from Blogging?

Endorsement, advertising, selling goods themselves, selling content, affiliates etc.

I can write 2000 words how to get money this way. The easiest way is to advertise or sell your own items. However, you must understand what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is.

Many famous blogs in Indonesia such as, IDNtimes, jalantikus, etc.

This method is harder than Instagram or Youtube because you need special skills. It is not difficult to learn if you are persistent and there is a will.

Selling a place like a banner or sponsored post is very easy, fast and expensive. earns around 120 billion annually selling banners. Tempting isn't it?

In addition, you can also use affiliate links. This is where you get a commission when people buy through your link.

Online stores such as Lazada, Bli-Bli, Bukalapak provide these choices. Usually, blogs about gadgets are easier to get money from affiliate links.

If your blog is in Indonesian, our suggestion is that you must try the DomaiNesia affiliate, where you can put a banner with an affiliate link on your blog. When people buy through this link you can get a commission.

To see how much you profit, 

can check here. For websites that speak English, use, Click Funnel and Rakuten affiliate links. Not a few who become millionaires for using this method.

good luck

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Masters and PhD Fulbright Scholarships in USA

The annual Fulbright Scholarships are offered by the United States Government to Indonesian citizens. Fulbright scholarships are offered in ...